Discover how you're naturally built 

To Navigate your World & LEAD through SELF-EMPOWERMENT in a way that is correct for You, based on your Human Design....

Without the need to learn about Human Design!

Transform your Working Life: Design and Develop your VISION by leveraging your Experiences and Expertise to impact lives

Begin the process to upgrade and create the success that you crave and are proud of, in what you're here to Contribute with Purpose, by gaining Life-Changing Insights based on the HUMAN DESIGN System!

The journey to unlock key aspects of Your natural gifts and talents from your Human Design Bodygraph, together with your WISDOM & EXPERIENCE will map out how you're here to Contribute with Purpose that feels more passionate and fulfilling.

Grab your FREE Human Design Bodygraph together with your Instant downloadable FREE POTENTIAL Mini Guide --> 

Grab Your FREE Human Design Bodygraph Chart | Download your FREE POTENTIAL Instant Mini-Guide |

Below you discover the various Blueprint Guides that you can download for Free and also for Purchase.

For the system to extract the insights and information that are relevant to you, it requires for you to input your information relating to your Human Design, which allows it to run the Blueprints based on the relevant aspects of your unique Design.

The option to purchase any of these Blueprints below, will be found below your FREE Bodygraph Chart that will be available when you fill in the details in the Bodygraph calculator below.

You can be reading your Blueprints in the next few minutes….

Download your Free
Human Design Bodygraph with Mini Blueprint

Use the Calculator form below to grab your FREE BODYGRAPH Chart with Basic Blueprint Mini Guide which gives you the roadmap to how you best operate in society, navigate your life and bring balance and flow into your life!



Human Design System serves as a tool for personal growth and self-improvement, promoting mindfulness  and enabling more conscious and purposeful navigation through life.

Discover the Basics of how you're here to be uniquely You,  navigate your world, and some key strengths you possess.



Identify how you're naturally built to LEAD!

So you can discover or validate how you're naturally here to empower others


Your Work by Design:
Style & Structure


Decode & Discover your Ideal Work Structure & Work Environment that enhances creativity, output and efficiency that allows you to thrive

These insights alleviates feelings of unfulfilment in your Work and ways to improve on Work Satisfaction


Unleash Your MASTERY


In the ‘UNLEASHING YOUR MASTERY’ Blueprint, you will be introduced into the magical world of what you’re here to Master to Serve Others, which allows you to bring in the Prosperity, Health and Wealth that you deserve and desire!



As an add-on to your existing Service, buy any Blueprint for your Clients to provide them with  extra in-depth powerful personalised Insights.  Contact Amy  if this is something that interests you and I will provide a discount code that you can use at the checkout!

Demo and a sneak peak into the UNLEASH YOUR MASTERY Blueprint 
Empty space, drag to resize


To run your FREE Bodygraph chart & access your Potential Blueprint you need to enter your details as accurately as possible to ensure best outcome

Birth Date and Time Details 

Have trouble finding your exact birth location?choose a nearby town or city in the same time zone.​

Not sure on your exact birth time?

OPTION 1: tracking down your birth certificate. this could be by calling a parent, the hospital you were born at, possibly a city registry, or anywhere else you may have had to submit your birth certificate.

OPTION 2: start with noon (12:00 PM). you can also pull several charts and try a range of times (e.g., 12:00 AM, 6:00 AM, 12:00 PM, and 6:00 PM). then compare the charts and see if there is any difference.

OPTION 3: Contact Amy for Assistance

Bodygraph & Mini Blueprint Guide

Your FREE POTENTIAL BLUEPRINT Mini Guide is available for Instant download located above your BODYGRAPH

All Paid Blueprints & Guides are located below your Bodygraph Chart. 

Blueprints will be available once payment has gone through

You can save ALL  Guides to your smart device or laptop

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