My Mission

To support Women in their late thirties and beyond to break down the barrier from within so that they can experience transformation to re-connect with their authenticity and drive motivation to pursue what they're naturally here to Contribute with Purpose, through their Work. These Women are impact-driven Influential Role Model within their community or network, and desire to create a life of impact, joy and success for themselves and others too
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Gain Clarity in what You are here to Contribute using your EXPERTISE, EXPERIENCE & KNOWLEDGE with Impact

In-Person or Virtual Group Workshop with Amy

I offer both Virtual or In-Person Group Workshops (between 3 to 15 people), where customers who invest in buying their Personalised UNLEASH YOUR MASTERY Blueprint, have the option to ask me any questions about their Blueprint and provide insights into how all this information can be implemented and made practical.

During 1.5  - 2 hours, access support and guidance from Amy into understanding and unlocking your inner potential whilst leveraging what you already know through your expertise, experience and wisdom, to bring forth an innovative Way for you to Contribute in your Success, that aligns with your Unique WORK BY DESIGN.

So you can build a desirable life that brings forth more freedom, fufilment and flow and allows you to impact the lives of others too.
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Transformational Mentor to Talent & Potential Guide

Amy Yee Chong is a Transformational Mentor & Author, who struggled with Self Identity and lack of direction.

It's through integrating innovative systems of Human Design & Gene Keys that she experienced massive transformation. Breaking free from the inner blockages and challenges that prevented her from feeling confident to show up as her true authentic self.

Evolve and Elevate is where she provides resources and mentorship support to Women experiencing the same struggles.

 Her mission is to shake up the way Women in their late 30's & above perceive themselves & recognise their unique potential.

Life becomes simple when women feel free to embody and embrace their Authentic truth to naturally self express.

Read Amy's Bio and Articles BRAINZ MAGAZINE WEBSITE

CREA Global Awards 2024 

The CREA Global Awards is a prestigious list of top entrepreneurs, companies, business owners and thought-leaders who have used their initiative and creative vision to become true game-changers. We are also honoring inspirational individuals who used their resourcefulness to adapt and succeed despite challenges and those who have paved the way when it comes to environmental sustainability and mental health projects. This prestigious list brings together the most talented and innovative professionals from around the globe to recognize and honor their achievements in their respective fields.

Very honoured to have the opportunity to use my words to empower people to see a different perspective on how they perceive themselves.

Each of us are uniquely built to do a specific thing with ease. My Mission is to extract all the powerful potential in those who are ready to make an impact in the lives of others whilst improving their own lives!

Your knowledge and wisdom is somebody else’s solution or their next step on the right path on their personal journey!

Holding yourself back is not doing anybody any justice, especially when it comes to your own fulfilment to be of service!

Very grateful for such an amazing platform to share (-:

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Contribution with Clarity Newsletter!

I wanted to create this bi-monthly newsletter to give you inspiring, empowering strategic tips, positive self-awareness, future-thinking perspectives, teachings & life-changing breakthroughs when it comes to leveraging your natural strengths, gifts and talents to build an Aligned fulfilling Working Life that allows you to express what you're naturally here to Contribute with Purpose through your Work!

Enjoy a great reading experience as well as an intimate, personal uplifting and transformational journey when you buy this easy to read book.

This continuous state of being out of alignment with being authenticbrings about complexity in all aspect of everyday life & relationships.

Which then develops into a life of mediocrity because they are not being naturally self expressed as their authentic self.

Available as PAPERBACK on AMAZON
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