calling all:

Open-minded, Authentic, Impact-Led Influential Individuals, who have years of experience,  wisdom and knowledge!


You have the desire to lean more into your natural Leadership qualities with Influence whilst tapping into your innate creative Talents and pool of Potential, to CONTRIBUTE with purpose and improve your life and the lives of Others?

 If you are interested in topics that relate to improving and growing into the Impact-Led Influential Individual you know you are or desire to step into Being...

That are unconventional and less mainstream and...

You're open - minded to discover other ways?

Then you're in the right place:

otent Potential Private Social Platform

  • This Free Social Platform will be like your Facebook or Linkedin, but without the distractions and where you can show up as your Personal and Professional self.

    Amy will share  Insiders Content Posts + Q & A opportunities that only people who sign up to the Social Platform, will get to access 

Expect content relating to: -


and so much more...

leveraging the powerful wisdom and insights from:
HUMAN DESIGN and GENE KEYS but without the requirement of prior knowledge!

Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.

SIGN UP to my private version of Facebook & Linkedin but without the annoying distractions and focused on your Personal Growth and Self-Discovery Journey!


Social Platform

Incentive to JOIN 

This is an all new space, that I've created, so as a Special Offer and incentive, when you join you receive the choice between 2  Human Design FREE PERSONALISED BLUEPRINT

 WORK BY DESIGNBlueprint that provides insights into your:

Ideal Way of Working together with Ideal Environment that are extracted from within your Human Design Bodygraph Chart.  I believe that knowing these about yourself, will prevent you from experiencing Boredom Work Burnout or if you are experiencing unfulfillment and burnout in your Work, this Blueprint will help you to understand Why and look for solutions to combat it!

Blueprint that extracts any Leadership traits / qualities that you're naturally built to express, so you can leverage what comes naturally to you, to bring more impact and meaning to Others.

These Blueprint are available for purchase, but as an incentive to SIGN up to my Social Platform, it's totally F.R.E.E.

WATCH VIDEO BELOW where I talk about the Network that I'm slowly bringing into the World and building Up!

My Mission and Purpose for  those who are Impact -Driven, Creative, Influential Individuals:

Be Fulfilled sharing what you know so you can thrive and create FREEDOM and CHOICE

Your Knowledge is invaluable and when you're authentically sharing your expertise and experience, it's expressed very naturally and with ease - nothing is fake or forced!

Move into the future by leveraging the power of  Self-Education (sharing your expertise and knowledge)

Be 2 steps ahead, rather than 1 step behind

Why not make a positive change in your life and the lives of others by Sharing Your Knowledge and Expertise for anybody around the world, to access and benefit from online. Your Service and/or Experience provides a solution to their problem that helps bridge the time gap between getting from one stage to the next

Build a balanced Work-Lifestyle being 'The Real You'

You may feel you're not fully expressing who you are, with the current Work that you're doing

Ask yourself this question:

'What if I never get to experience the 'TRUE AUTHENTIC ME' in this lifetime and just resign to being somebody that others expect me to be instead?'

Free Resources &  Classes

Amy will share from time to time Resources & Teachings that will help you on your Personal Growth to build a Working Life that fulfils you rather than drains your soul!

Here is what to expect when you JOIN  'POTENT POTENTIAL Social Platform'


Direct Access to Insiders Content not shared anywhere else!

This platform will be the only place where I share Insiders Information and Personalised Insights with the ability to interpret and translate Bodygraph charts and Gene Key Profiles, for subscribers


   Network / Collaboration

This platform will allow you to shine your light with your Expertise, Knowledge and Skills.

Use this platform to network and collaborate with like-minded people...

Share your expertise but also learn from other Experienced Individuals like You!



You'll have the opportunity to have 14 Days FREE access to any one of the DIGITAL RESOURCES, that are available to as a monthly paying member in The POTENT POTENTIAL Hub Membership

You'll get to Interact with the content, read E-books, watch videos, listen to audios, Interactive Online Journalling.


Opportunities & Offers

As a Subscriber, you will be presented with unique Opportunities that won't be provided anywhere else except within this platform!

You'll get to receive favourable discounts on any future Resources that I will continue to add on to the POTENT POTENTIAL HUB


Personal & Professional Profile

Create a Profile that reflects yourself both at a

Treat this safe space as a platform where you can be your most natural self by creating a Profile that represents  how you prefer to be perceived by others, and at the same time shed light on the essence of you're authentic self.

I've built this platform to allow you to share and market your natural Talent and Potential so you can attract the right people for you!

This isn't Facebook, Instagram or Linkedin, so provide the information that you wish to share to  open up doors and opportunities in a way that feels aligned and correct for you!

Sign up to be part of the Free


You'll be taken to a SIGN UP Page asking you to provide your preferred email address 
Thank you!
You may also be interested in becoming a paying Member?

Benefits of being a Member of

Who The 'Potent Potential Hub Membership' is for:

Individuals who wish to build a desirable life of fulfilment, freedom and flow through service or building their own Knowledge-Based Business!

If you're happy and content with your current Working Life and do not feel the desire or are ready to create impact or meaning for others, then this is not for you!

Individuals who are naturally Open-minded, who think outside the box and are naturally curious and willing to dive deeper into their self-discovery & future direction journey!

This isn't for you if you do not enjoy self-discovery and are not comfortable with  online self-learning and research.  

The systems I use to help you on your self-discovery detective journey is with HUMAN DESIGN or GENE KEYS

You don't have to have prior understanding of HUMAN DESIGN or GENE KEYS in order to sign up, because the way the Resources are set up, you get access to Personalised Blueprints that provide all the Information that you need to carry on your Self-Discovery Journey.

For those who like to learn how,  some Digital Resources have Guided Videos or e-Books that show where the different Human Design aspects are extracted from, if this interests you!

If you are curious to dive deep, but are not comfortable with self-learning and research, then allow me to interpret and translate vital aspects of your Bodygraph chart by considering working one on one with me here

Individuals who naturally lead and feel somewhat comfortable as an Influential Role Model and are ready to lean more into their natural Leadership qualities, in order to inspire and influence others within their community.

If You're more comfortable working solo or in teams in supportive roles, rather than naturally leading others, then this may not be suitable for you!

However, a lot of you may be totally unaware, that you naturally carry Leadership qualities, so if you're curious to find out whether you have any Leadership qualities and traits hidden within you, I invite you to buy for AUD $19.97 an Instant Download 

The Leadership Blueprint extracts activated aspects from within your Bodygraph chart are extracted and put together as your Blueprint Mini-Guide

Grab yours here  

Individuals in their late 30's and beyond who have a wealth of working experience, expertise and knowledge

If you're just starting out your Working / Career Life, so you're between 20 to mid 30's then this may not be ideal for you!

However, when you reach that stage where you feel you have enough experience and knowledge, and you're ready to take uplevel and take the next step, which usually occurs around your late 30's onwards, then most definitely please join the Community!

Practical & Simple approach to Self-Discovery & Learning

The Digital Resources Library is built with the understanding of making learning, self-discovery and research simple and practical.

Together with access to 1 free personalised Blueprint of Your choice when you become a paid member of the Potent Potential Hub 

Therefore expect to Watch videos, listen to Audios and read e-Books that will provide this interactive experience

If you're a parent:

Parents & Child Relationship Dynamics

Not only is this space catering for the Adults, but also for Parents who wish to understand their children better to guide them through nurturing their children, so they too can step into their potential by leveraging their natural gifts and talents 

Become a paying Member of

Will provide insights so you can unlock your inner potential so you can excel in your profession that feels authentic and fulfilling.  Boost your self-empowerment to make decisions with confidence . Share your Know-How and Expertise to those who need You!
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